We are committed to help develop our staff in order to retain the school vision, and to achieve the highest standards of professional excellence through offering and implementing contemporary professional development programmes for teachers, school leaders and managers. Understanding the importance of staff development, training and individual learning is principle focus to achieve organization goals successfully.
Master’s Degree Program
After PGCert, Masters Degree is offered from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Masters in Education Studies introduces the most important questions and problems by which the discipline of education studies is characterised, along with the methodologies and methods used to answer those questions. It gives a solid foundation for understanding educational processes. This includes a pair of work-based learning modules where one can explore how learning works, components of effective teaching and encourage professional learning through practitioner inquiry.

PG Cert in Educational Issues & Impact
Crescent School offers a Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Issues and Impacts with collaboration with University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. This comprises modules that are clearly aligned to enable teachers to embark on a coherent and cohesive learning journey. The four modules incorporate research, theory and practical knowledge that emerge in a creatively contextualised way. This course helps teachers recognize professional learning progression using research and evidence.
This course leads to the Master’s Program offered by University of Strathclyde.

Certificate in Essential Teaching Skills
Certificate in Essential Teaching Skills (CETS) allows the teachers to undertake a reflective review of their learning needs and developmental objectives including provisional set of action points for personal and organizational development. This one-year program helps teachers realise their strengths and weaknesses and become reflective practitioners. At the end of the course, teachers submit their reflective logs and assignment.

In-Service Educational Training

Induction Program
This 3-day program is mandatory for all newly hired teachers. The objective of our Induction Program is to assist teachers in adapting to a new workplace culture. Our Induction Program goes beyond understanding students, classes and curriculum. Information about the systems and processes that guide the workplace, as well as school norms, are shared with novice teachers which help teachers to settle in and feel confident.
International Toastmasters Club
This forum is open for school leaders, managers and teachers. Toastmasters Club meetings are regularly conducted to learn and practice communication and leadership skills by assuming a variety of roles such as a speaker – prepared and spontaneous, an evaluator, a timer, a grammarian.