Our focus is to help our students transit smoothly from Junior School to the rigorously demanding Matriculation as well as O-levels. We aspire to provide maximum opportunities to the students to explore, make choices and work in collaboration with one another.
We aim to connect our children to meet the 21st century challenges by excelling in Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking. The backbone of our academics is student centered classrooms where they take active part in projects that provide them with hands on experiences. Syllabus is clearly structured to enable students and teachers to know precisely what should be learnt.

Students are evaluated through a comprehensive assessment system, that comprises of both formative and summative assessments. To ensure maximum support, students are advised, motivated and prepared as a part of an extensive re-enforcement coaching programme.
Extracurricular activities are an important feature of the School since Crescent has a long tradition of offering opportunities and activities besides the usual curriculum. This helps our students get equipped with skills to deal with future challenges where they are expected to be independent in their approach to learning.